On July 20th, the AREI Board members were invited to attend the Round Table “Urbanistic and development strategy in Bucharest municipality”, at the Bucharest City Hall, organized by the USRPLUS Councilor in the General Council of Bucharest. The General Mayor of Bucharest, Ms. Nicusor Dan was also present at the meeting, alongside Mr. Horia Tomescu – Vice Mayor of Bucharest, Mr. Cosmin Smighelschi – President of the USRPLUS Political Group within the Bucharest General Council, Mr. Vlad Voiculescu – President of USRPLUS Bucharest.

The topics that were approached at the round table, focused particularly on the Zonal Urbanistic Plans (PUZs) situation and the follow-up strategy for approval of the urban documentations, as well as the issue of parking in Bucharest. The discussions were constructive, although long overdue. AREI will continue to be a reliable dialogue partner for the authorities and provide its support and industry expertise.