Highlights from the AREI ROUND TABLE on the Draft Code of Urbanism, hosted on Friday, where representatives of the AREI Board Members and founding members were joined by prominent journalists and media outlets for a comprehensive discussion on the major topics addressed in the new Draft Law, with the view of sharing the industry’s expertise and our members best international practices.
The panel of discussion gathered real estate specialists across the industry spectrum: Mr.Dennis Selinas – AREI President & CEO Globalworth; Mr. Geo Mărgescu – AREI Board Member & CEO Forte Partners; Ms. Antoanela Comșa – AREI Board Member & President Granvia Group; Mr. Robert Ioniță – AREI Founding Member & General Counsel NEPI Rockastle, and Ms. Irina Dimitriu – Head of Real Estate, Reff & Associates/Deloitte Legal Romania.
Some of the significant topics discussed at the debate touched upon issues like: transfer of competence for PUZs approval; creation of green areas; effects of urbanistic documentation cancelation, including for public investments, as well as cooperation between investors and the public authorities – best practices.
Mr. Dennis Selinas, the AREI President, in his remarks on the Urbanistic Development Strategy, pointed out the importance of all its key components: historical preservation, infrastructure, community engagement, public consultation, sustainability – transport & green areas.
AREI will continue to engage in an open dialogue with the media, the public and the relevant public authorities about the effects that such a fundamental piece of legislation – Draft Code of Urbanism, has on the real estate market and the general urbanistic context at the national and local levels.
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