Forte Partners, one of the most active developers on the Romanian real estate market, was established in 2014 by a group of investors with an impressive expertise in the local business environment.
The company has developed in Bucharest a portfolio worth over EUR 200 Million with another EUR 200 Million in the pipeline, in both office and residential sectors. The company has an extended collection of awards and Green certifications received over the years from various independent real estate bodies to acknowledge its achievements.
Forte Partners prides itself on being a pioneer in the digitization of the industry by developing and using new and modern technologies in its buildings.
Office projects:
U•Center (2 phases)
The Bridge (3 phases)
Stefan cel Mare Building
Residential projects:
Aviatiei Park (2 phases)
Website: http://fortepartners.ro/

Forte Partners, unul dintre cei mai activi dezvoltatori de pe piata de real estate din Romania, a fost fondat in anul 2014 de un grup de investitori cu o impresionanta experienta pe piata locala de business.
Compania are un portofoliu care include cladiri dezvoltate in Bucuresti cu o valoare de peste 200 de milioane de Euro si are in plan demararea unor noi proiecte imobiliare, estimate la peste 200 de milioane de Euro. In palmaresul companiei se regaseste o extinsa colectie de premii si certificari “Verzi” ale cladirilor, disctinctii obtinute de-a lungul timpului de la diverse entitati independente din sectorul de real estate.
Forte Partners este un pionier in digitalizarea industriei prin dezvoltarea si utilizarea de tehnologii inovative in cladirile sale.
Proiecte de birouri:
U•Center (2 faze)
The Bridge (3 faze)
Stefan cel Mare Building
Proiecte rezidentiale:
Aviatiei Park (2 faze)
Website: http://fortepartners.ro